True Identity
Discover the Identity God has given to you.
Benefits of True Identity
Come into agreement with the wonderfully unique way God has designed you.
Discover your great worth!
See what God’s word has to say about who you are, how precious you are to Him, and how purposefully he crafted you. Identity reveals purpose. Have a free exploratory discussion with one of our certified coaches to just how Identity reveals Purpose.
Integrated Assessment Profile.
Your integrated assessment results create an image of your True Identity, revealing that each of us is specifically designed to live a unique and powerful life. Discover the purposeful design and the implications of all which God has gifted you.
Learning cohort of 12.
Jesus chose twelve to invest His purpose. Discovering identity and purpose as a group creates a powerful environment of revelation and becoming part of one body. Between our certified coaches and your cohort you will answer that all-important question once and for all: What is God’s calling on my life?
True Identity is for you if:
You struggle to answer, "Who am I, and why am I here?"
The work and roles you have held lack fulfillment.
You have taken assessments before but still ask, "Now what?"
What you'll get out of this course: Clarity, confidence, value.
The True Identity Profile ®
Project based individual and cohort activities
- In class discovery worksheets.
- Small group breakouts discussions
- Large group sharing & perspectives
Access to the Course Recording
Journal and Notes taken in the course
Continuing access to the True Identity Community
15% discount (value up to $898) on follow up coaching
High Praise from Learners!
Frequently asked questions
What happens if I can't make a live session?
What's the expected time commitment?
What is the refund policy?
You mention Certified True Identity coaches, please explain.
What's included?
4 Assessments
True Identity Profile
Live cohort online course
Online Community
Discounted follow on coaching sessions