True Identity 

Discover the Identity God has given to you.

Welcome to the Kingdom Standard in Identity Transformation!  True Identity is a 4 hour, half day, cohort experience, led by a Certified Kingdom Facilitator that will guide you in a path of integrating intentionally chosen personal assessments with the Word of God.  The result: Clarity on the unique and powerful identity God has imparted to you, and revelation about what your true identity implies about the destiny God has planned for you.
Become better

brought to you in conjunction with CREATIVE POWER LLC TM 

 Benefits of True Identity

Come into agreement with the wonderfully unique way God has designed you.

 Discover your great worth!

See what God’s word has to say about who you are, how precious you are to Him, and how purposefully he crafted you. Identity reveals purpose. Have a free exploratory discussion with one of our certified coaches to just how Identity reveals Purpose.

Integrated Assessment Profile.

Your integrated assessment results create an image of your True Identity, revealing that each of us is specifically designed to live a unique and powerful life. Discover the purposeful design and the implications of all which God has gifted you.

Learning cohort of 12.

Jesus chose twelve to invest His purpose. Discovering identity and purpose as a group creates a powerful environment of revelation and becoming part of one body. Between our certified coaches and your cohort you will answer that all-important question once and for all: What is God’s calling on my life?

True Identity is for you if:

You struggle to answer, "Who am I, and why am I here?" 

In partnership with our with Certified Coaches, whose own True Identity includes a passion to help others unlock the mystery of their unique design. They are the expert, the qualified "discipler" who can help you discover of your True Identity.

The work and roles you have held lack fulfillment.

Seeing yourself the same way God does is the first step in living your best life. True Identity will help you see yourself the way God sees you and empower you to align your self-image with his kingdom image of you.

You have taken assessments before but still ask, "Now what?"

A complete built-in social network for connecting with your students. The only online course platform that helps your students connect with peers.
Finally, a holistic assessment of who you are.

The True Identity Profile

The True Identity Assessment Overview page brings together all your assessment results into a single, integrated view to give you a holistic picture of how uniquely wonderful your Heavenly Father created you.
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The Kingdom Standard in Identity.

The True Identity Profile

The True Identity Assessment Connections page begins to reveal how your assessments interact together and function cooperatively to accomplish a common purpose. What is that purpose? To empower you to fulfill your destiny.
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The Kingdom Standard in Identity.

The True Identity Profile

The True Identity Development page begins to take the results of your assessments and focus your attention on opportunities in which your Strengths, Personality, Spiritual Gifts and Hopes will naturally and effortlessly be on display.
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The Kingdom Standard in Identity.

The True Identity Profile

The True Identity Application page is a personalized roadmap, integrating your assessment results with the Word of God to provide a clear path forward. This is where the rubber meets the road, and how True Identity is unique in positioning you to finally feel like you are stepping into God's calling on your life. 
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What you'll get out of this course: Clarity, confidence, value.

The True Identity Profile ®

The comprehensive True Identity Profile® analysis and guidance within and across your assessments.

Project based individual and cohort activities

  1. In class discovery worksheets.
  2. Small group breakouts discussions
  3. Large group sharing & perspectives

Access to the Course Recording

Immediate access to the course recording for additional insights and future review.

Journal and Notes taken in the course

Use your digital course journal take notes, make highlights and annotations of key points which resonated with you.

Continuing access to the True Identity Community

You have lifetime access to the Kingdom Living community, including the people who went through the True Identity journey with you.

15% discount (value up to $898) on follow up coaching

As a True Identity course attendee you will receive a 15% discount on follow up coaching once the course is completed. (must have attended the course.)

High Praise from Learners!

“As I worked closely with Peter Ladley from Creative Power on my True Identity Profile, it allowed me to grow towards the women God created me to truly be. He helped me discover God's truth about what He says I am. Peter encouraged me regularly, and still to this day is a huge support in my life. I know I can call Peter for anything and he will always lead me in the way of truth & strength, through Christ. I highly
recommend True Identity and I can 100% guarantee that it will be worth it.”
Naomi Jones
“In the world we live in today, often times we don’t realize just how important our identity is. We just go
with the flow, not knowing that we are created for more. For years I read books, took tests, and had
people speak into my life drawing out little pieces of who I was created to be. My True Identity Profile
helped not only reinforce some of those things, but to tie them together in a more complete picture
allowing me to see the person God has created me to be.”
Judd Nelson
I had the opportunity to take True Identity. What I really loved about being able to unlock and understand my own strengths was the fact that it started to help me realize that I must align my Values and my Belief’s when it came to work. I had always struggled getting
bored with work and I would look for something else. I felt like I was not helping anyone. My True Identity helped me to believe in myself and understand my own strengths.“
Tina Marin

Frequently asked questions

What happens if I can't make a live session? 

No worries.  You'll get your True Identity Profile prior to the course.  You'll get access to the worksheets and the journal here on Kingdom Living.  You will also have access to the course recording.

What's the expected time commitment?

True Identity is a Saturday morning, 4 hour commitment.  8:00am - 12:00pm PST.

What is the refund policy?

If the course does not meet your expectations we will refund you 100% within 30 days after the course has concluded.

You mention Certified True Identity coaches, please explain. 

All of our Course Facilitators have been through True Identity, coached by a coach with a calling to co-labor with the Body of Christ to reveal True Identity and have received training to effectively Facilitate the True identity course.  It is this combination of calling, passion and training that you also have access to during and after your journey to discover your True Identity.

What's included?

  • 4 Assessments
  • True Identity Profile
  • Live cohort online course
  • Online Community
  • Discounted follow on coaching sessions

Discover your God given Identity

Through personal assessments, overlayed with the Word of God, your True identity, how God sees you and how uniquely He created you, will become a clear roadmap for Kingdom Living.

Confidently step into God's calling on your life.

Work, play, relationships and will operate effortlessly in your true self.  They are a natural extension of your Strengths, Spiritual Gifts, your Personality and your Hopes.  See God actively moving in your life, MUCH MORE!
Meet your Facilitator

Peter Ladley 

Peter is a native of the Pacific Northwest. He and his wife of over 30 years founded Creative Power to bring hope, encouragement, truth and love to others. He is a developer and motivator of people and utilizes strengths-based and kingdom identity-based approaches to generate hope in others. 
The True Identity Profile™ is the culmination of Peter's passion to help others discover their best path in life. His use of quality assessments to reveal core elements of the identity God has designed within us, and his gifts to teach others about the glorious life and future God has prepared for them, is a significant part of Peter's True identity.
Patrick Jones - Course author

Discover your True Identity®

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